Fire on the Mountain: Media, Religion, and Nationalism
Announcing a CMRC Conference Fire on the Mountain: Media, Religion, and Nationalism The Center for Media, Religion, and CultureUniversity of Colorado BoulderJanuary 10-13, 2024 The title of this conference is not a mere play on words or a dramatic ploy to get your attention. Nor is a reference to the threat of fire looming far…
Writing in Times of Urgency
The first issue of the Center for Media, Religion, and Culture’s pamphlet series, Rhythms, is now available. Download here:
The Roof Is on Fire
I only have a few minutes to share some thoughts on a paper I wrote about a people reeling from contempt, injustice and longing for peace, self-determination, and intellectual emancipation. In the briefest of summaries, my article defies reading the Arab uprisings from a decade ago through an ontology of revolution and resistance that relegates…
“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”June Jordan In a discordant world, it may be that the most dissident act is harmony”Angela Marino Let’s face it, the roof is on fire, but our hoses boast only trickles of water. We didn’t have to wait for the crisis of today, or the crisis of last…
Netflix’s A Week Away Is A World Away
Netflix’s Teen Faith-Based Musical A Week Away Is A World Away from Our Pandemic and Hypermediated Society. It’s Also a Savvy Marketing Move. On the Thursday just before Easter Sunday, Netflix pushed a cell phone notification to me with the subject heading, “Sarah, what are people watching in your area?” Netflix’s marketers were making strategic…
Religion and Media in the 2020 Election: Faith, Fraud, and Fear
Monday, December 7 at 3:00pm to 5:00pm Join the Center for Media, Religion and Culture for a conversation about religion and media in the 2020 US election, the place of religion in the so-called “Trump era” and the role of media in generating new forms of religious politics. Anthea ButlerUniversity of Pennsylvania Peter ManseauSmithsonian Institution…
An Election
The CMRC seminar took some time to reflect and decompress following the 2020 presidential election. Below are some of the thoughts we had and the topics we cannot let go of yet. The religious coding of Trump’s resistance to his electoral loss—a blend of prophecy, prosperity, and metaphysical discourses—is overwhelming for a religion scholar. Anthea Butler describes what’s going on…
Bio-Safety & the State of Exception
Last week we met in the morning of Nov. 3––the date of the presidential election in the United States––before any of us were aware just how exceptional this election coverage would be. The conversation revolved around the timely topic of Political Theology and the State of Exception. We read Giorgio Agamben‘s “The State of Exception…
Post-Apocalyptic Resistance
Last week during our CMRC seminar we discussed post-apocalyptic resistance within Black and Indigenous communities. We explored Afrofuturism in an article by Mark Bould, a chapter by Gerald Horne, and an episode of the podcast Faith Uncut. We read about Indigenous resistance in articles by Nick Estes for Dissent and Julian Brave NoiseCat for The…
Apocalyptic Framing
Last week during our CMRC seminar we discussed apocalyptic theology. We discussed two of Catherine Keller’s publications: a chapter from Apocalypse Now and Then and her article “The Heat is On” from 2007. Below are reflections on that conversation. During this week’s conversation, I found myself wondering if the current Democratic Party has constructed its…
Surviving the Anthropocene
Last week during our CMRC seminar we discussed the climate crisis and survival in the anthropocene. Below are reflections on that conversation and a snippet of the Zoom chat. From our brief foray into reading about and discussing eco-piety, the term seems to identify a set of rituals and social practices that models a form…
Bodies of Labor In COVID
Last week during our CMRC seminar we discussed Crisis, Capitalism, and the Body. We put Federici’s Caliban and the Witch in conversation with McRuer’s “Disability Nationalism in Crip Times.” The general theme of the conversation focused on the tension between individuals & community in terms of class, care, and political theater. Below are some reflections…
Apocalyptic Politics
Last week during the CMRC seminar, we examined the theme of apocalyptic time. We read Philip Gorski’s “Why Evangelicals Voted for Trump: A Critical Cultural Sociology” and revisited Walter Benjamin’s “Theses on the Philosophy of History.” The conversation was influenced by current events in the U.S. and focused on white evangelicals, the deployment of religion…
Listening to the Undercommons
We engaged with Fred Moten’s and Stefano Harney’s The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study this week in CMRC seminar. Our conversation explored questions of fellowship and listening building off of Moten’s sermon from January 2020. Below are a few reflections we had from our conversation on these texts. Moten’s call for a politics of…
Mediated Political Religion
This week we read Stewart Hoover’s latest article for IJOC on Trump’s Lafayette Square Bible photo-op. Our conversation explored the false binary between religion and politics and the importance of mediatization to contemporary politics. Hoover claims the event “was an act of mediation, a visual articulation of an argument,” while advocating that media studies needs…
This week we participated in the international #ScholarStrike against racism. Those who participated watched remote teach-in videos, brought anti-racist conversations into their classrooms, had reflective conversations, and so much more. You can find anti-racist resources from the #ScholarStrike on YouTube, the strike’s website, and on Twitter. In this issue of the digest, CMRC fellows reflect…
Starting a Strange Fall
Welcome to the Seminar Digest for CMRC. Following the Center’s meetings each week during the academic year, research fellows will share reactions, reflections, and connections related to the discussion. This issue of the Seminar Digest reflects on recent events ranging from Falwell’s resignation to the party conventions. The names connected to each entry are those…
Kamala Harris / Coming Out
Kamala Harris, coming out, napping, and a special issue invitation
Myth “Today”: Reading Media and Religion into the Cultural Politics of the Times
On June 1, 2020, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, stood in front of an Anglican church across the street from the White House and held up a copy of the Bible for a photograph. This incident became, within days, a signal event in the contentious, roiling history of Trump politics. As…
Culture Is Everything
The Covid-19 crisis looked like it might be a moment of universal solidarity. Indeed, most Americans (and most others throughout the world) have come together to meet this unprecedented challenge. This has included nearly universal public support for health workers, first responders, and the many, many hourly and casual workers who are keeping the whole…
Why Asking Bloomberg ‘But Are You Personally Vegan?’ Misses the Mark
Ecopolicy and collective action, not personal ecopiety, are the way forward on climate change. Billionaire entrepreneur and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ruffled his fair share of feathers with his late entry into the Presidential race. Pundits debate whether this move is helpful by hitting President Trump hard with record-setting aggressive ad…
Does God Make the Man?
Protestant Roots of American Media
Transparency and the Right to Opacity
An Internet of Ownership
Affective Infrastructures
I have been working from two directions in the development of our discourse here. The first direction, obviously, is my own work that began in one place, and still is there, but has verged out of that place recently. The second direction, is to use my work, and our conversations to push the development of…
Call for Proposals: Imagined Borders, Epistemic Freedoms
The question of borders and the practice of bordering persist in a world destined for encounters and confrontations. This persistence today bears resemblance to long-standing legacies of coloniality, modernity, and globalization, but it also foregrounds new narratives, aesthetics, and politics of exclusion and dehumanization. Talk of walls, fortresses, boundaries, and deportation has never been a…
Courage Is Contagious
What are some aspects of your scholarly background that you would like to share? I have always felt like an accidental traveler into the study of religion. I grew up in a broadcasting family―both of my parents and my step mother all worked in network television and then in the cable television industry. From a…
Joy and Outrage
What are some aspects of your scholarly background that you would like to share? My PhD is in communication from the University of California, San Diego. When I was in graduate school, I was trained in historical materialism, the political economy of communication and media, feminist theory, and cultural studies. And one aspect that was…
War Machines
What are some aspects of your scholarly background that you would like to share? For twenty years, I have focused on global communication and social/political change, notably on the intersection of media, geopolitics, culture, and identity. Specifically, this means that I am interested in how forms of culture, particularly popular culture, are politicized, and how the…
Everything Is Public
How would you describe your scholarly background? Unlike most people I know, I am trained as a religious historian, not of a period, but of two-thousand years of Christian history, which makes me a bit of anomaly in the world of Religious Studies. Currently, I would say I am a historian, and religion and media…
Supernatural Communications
Please say a bit about your past experiences. How would you describe your education, research and positionality? Within the field of religious studies, which is my primary disciplinary home, I work in the area of religion and North American culture. I use textual analysis to explore ways that religious and cultural discourses intersect and the…
Radical Traditions
Your work deals with a variety of subject matters ranging from God and the Catholic religion to the Occupy Wall Street movement and cooperative businesses. Is there a general theme or concern that ties your work together? The best way I have found to answer this question is to say that I am interested in…
Critique with Solidarity
How does your research background shape your present work around borders and migration? We’re all living contingent histories, and that informs the way we see the world. Growing up, I had a fairly secure sense of identity. I was a Moroccan and a Muslim, and there wasn’t much to argue about, initially. A bilingual education,…
The Dalai Lama, through Oculus
How would you describe your scholarly background? I am highly involved in studying online religious activity. I’m looking at the role of new media in relation to religious belief systems and religious information seeking behavior. Right now I am exploring this relationship within the Tibetan diaspora. Since receiving my PhD, I always have been fascinated…
Martin Luther Would Have Been a Tweeter
How would you describe your scholarly background? Early in my career, I saw the field of media and religion as important. But the consensus in that era was that society was becoming more secular. People didn’t take religion seriously, and that was really evident in the fields of media studies and communications. I saw a…
Virtual Reality Spaces: From the Profane to the Sacred
Over the last several years I have developed a large scale research project exploring the role of developing Internet technology in the ritual practices of the Tibetan Diaspora Community. “The Cyber Lama and the Virtual Sangha” is examining how computer-mediated-communications can become a central tool in the religious and ritual practices of a globally dispersed religious…
In the City of the Golem
For nearly two decades, the Golem of Prague has stood on my desk, watching over every word I write. A souvenir knick-knack depiction of Jewish folklore’s most famous monster, it was a gift from a friend who had recently returned from vacation in the Czech Republic, sometime around the end of the last millennium. These…
An (the) Object
My project is best understod within the broad framework of cultural studies. I see my task as a scholar to point out things that are “hiding in plain sight” in our cultural-historical geographies of discourse, circulation, meaning and action. This is not a simple task of textual analysis, but instead a deeply consequential inquiry into the…
The Very Local Global
When the first opportunity for electric speech across the Atlantic Ocean was realized with the 1858 transatlantic telegraph cable, the United States erupted into celebration. Parades wended their way through east coast cities, national figures gave grand speeches about instantaneous global unity, and fireworks lit up the sky. Artists produced memorabilia—from lithographs to coins—to commemorate…
Ruins of Wall Street
A stone tower stands on the western edge of Wall Street, the cluster of structures that one finds by turning left where the paved road ends up Four Mile Canyon, exactly ten miles in all from the center of Boulder, Colorado. The tower is a remnant of a gold processing mill that was to be…