Announcing a CMRC Conference Fire on the Mountain: Media, Religion, and Nationalism The Center for Media, Religion, and CultureUniversity of Colorado BoulderJanuary 10-13, 2024 The title of this conference is not a mere play on words or a dramatic ploy to get your attention. Nor is a reference to the threat of fire looming far […]
Category: News
Writing in Times of Urgency

The first issue of the Center for Media, Religion, and Culture’s pamphlet series, Rhythms, is now available. Download here:

Monday, December 7 at 3:00pm to 5:00pm Join the Center for Media, Religion and Culture for a conversation about religion and media in the 2020 US election, the place of religion in the so-called “Trump era” and the role of media in generating new forms of religious politics. Anthea ButlerUniversity of Pennsylvania Peter ManseauSmithsonian Institution […]
The question of borders and the practice of bordering persist in a world destined for encounters and confrontations. This persistence today bears resemblance to long-standing legacies of coloniality, modernity, and globalization, but it also foregrounds new narratives, aesthetics, and politics of exclusion and dehumanization. Talk of walls, fortresses, boundaries, and deportation has never been a political or philosophical anomaly, but rather a reflection of a particularistic social imaginary, a linear compulsion of epistemic assumptions that sees the world through the logic of hierarchy, classification, difference, and ontological supremacy.