
Critique with Solidarity

How does your research background shape your present work around borders and migration? We’re all living contingent histories, and that informs the way we see the world. Growing up, I had a fairly secure sense of identity. I was a Moroccan and a Muslim, and there wasn’t much to argue about, initially. A bilingual education, […]


The Dalai Lama, through Oculus

How would you describe your scholarly background? I am highly involved in studying online religious activity. I’m looking at the role of new media in relation to religious belief systems and religious information seeking behavior. Right now I am exploring this relationship within the Tibetan diaspora. Since receiving my PhD, I always have been fascinated […]


Martin Luther Would Have Been a Tweeter

How would you describe your scholarly background? Early in my career, I saw the field of media and religion as important. But the consensus in that era was that society was becoming more secular. People didn’t take religion seriously, and that was really evident in the fields of media studies and communications. I saw a […]